Free suburban Wifi

Free suburban Wifi

May 26, 2017

Freerunner launched yesterday across the country. This is the first free public Wifi network to be created in the UK.

Controlled by industry specialists in Wifi, Freerunner will allow consumers to get broadband access for free in areas of the suburbs that might otherwise not have Internet access.

Freerunner will primarily target community areas such as transport hubs, schools, libraries, and community centres to place the free access, with participating venues such as coffee shops, pubs, etc offering free access by agreeing to pay the fees for the Freerunner service so the public can enjoy free access in their locations as well.

Any venue that offers to support the Freerunner service will be able to filter and control internet access in the methods they see as fit for appropriate customer access.

Currently, Atheros is working on another portable solution with Mifi, which utilises 3G technologies to allow mobile phone users to transfer their internet capabilities from their phones to laptops.

Mifi is not yet able to operate at the same fast access rate that Freerunner promises if all goes according to plan, making Freerunner the better and cheaper choice since the cost to access it for the average consumer is zero.

Freerunner is an open source internet provider that does not have a pinpointed data centre, but rather exists throughout a distributed architecture across many networks.

Thus there is no single point that can bring the free internet access crashing down while still guaranteeing fast internet speeds at a virtually non-existent cost.

CEO of Freerunner, Owen Geddes, said the vision of Freerunner was to give UK citizens public access to the web no matter where they are throughout the day in manner that everyone can afford and that venues can afford to sponsor.

Tim Yeo

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