Guest-Tek deploys WiFi at Center Parcs

Guest-Tek deploys WiFi at Center Parcs

February 27, 2016

Guest-Tek International Group Ltd has secured a deal with holiday company, Center Parcs, to deploy its OneView Internet platform at Center Parcs’ Sherwood Forest resort.

The WiFi network provides wireless high speed Internet access (HSIA) for guests at the resort, with Guest-Tek offering HSIA support to guests, around the clock.

The Guest-Tek WiFi network can be accessed from Premium accommodation on the site, or via one of the many strategically located access points.

During 2016, Center Parcs plans to deploy a WiFi network at its Elveden Forest location, followed by further deployments at its two other UK resorts – Longleat and Whinfell.

Each resort covers an area of around 400 acres, accommodating guests in high quality villas, apartments and lodges scattered among a woodland environment.

Guest-Tek’s OneView Internet platform has proved capable of providing the flexibility and expandability needed to cope with providing WiFi over the large expansive area covered by the resorts.

Guest-Tek is the world’s largest provider of IP based technology solutions for the hospitality industry. It has its headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, with major support facilities in Irvine, California, and Warsaw, Poland; as well as Sales offices throughout North America and Europe.

Tim Yeo

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