SwitchboardFree Beta integration with Google Analytics

SwitchboardFree Beta integration with Google Analytics

September 7, 2017

SwitchboardFree will soon move to Beta to allow for its upcoming integration with Google Analytics.

The company currently provides free inbound phone calls for those who live within the UK with a built in promise that subscribers will ‘never miss a call.’

With the addition of Google Analytics to the system all phone calls that are made with a phone number from the SwitchboardFree Company will be able to be traced through a Google Analytics account, which is useful for SEO companies, affiliate marketers, and web based sales companies.

The addition of the new features will allow users to trace and calculate their return on investment, online ad copy, and positioning online.

All the client needs to do is make use of SwitchboardFree and ClickThrough Marketing’s US code to point at the website and it will set its self up automatically.

Paul Gaston, a SwitchboardFree architect, said that the new use of web stats with online phone calls on an user friendly interface will allow SEO professionals and marketers to better analyze how well their web sites work, as well as their average customer response.

Online Marketing Manager, Bryn Thompson, added that the new Google integration will allow the company to offer better call stats that show which calls were generated from specific websites while also tracking the length of a phone call from each user and their geographic location.

ClickThrough Marketing has been appointed by the popular car manufacturer, Peugeot, to launch a new social media strategy to increase the online profile of the car company.

Clickthrough will work to increase the web presence of the new 3008 Crossover by Peugeot.

Tim Yeo

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