Wyless wins M2M Innovation award

Wyless wins M2M Innovation award

September 17, 2016

O2 Communications Ireland and Wyless have been jointly awarded the Machine-to-Machine Services Innovation award (M2M) for their innovative work with ABB Robotics.

ABB needed a way to monitor its range of industrial robots; they engaged O2 and Wyless to provide a solution.

The result is a system that logs all of ABB robot’s key diagnostic data.

It processes this data and sends it to ABB with the use of GPRS.

The robots are capable of alerting base if they have a problem; base can then inform an engineer who can examine all the information that has been sent to ascertain the source of the problem.

This is a cost effective solution for ABB that saves on manpower by having all the relevant information to hand remotely.

Wyless runs its own worldwide M2M wireless data network; this network allows companies to communicate with robots from any location in the 120 countries in which they operate.

Their services are helpful in reducing costs by centralising support facilities rather than each company having engineers based at each location where they use robots.

The awards presentation took place in London and was the result of nominations from readers of Global Telecoms Business magazine.

Tim Yeo

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