CAPEX free HSL 2.75G Femtocell

CAPEX free HSL 2.75G Femtocell

August 27, 2017

HSL, a mobile network and infrastructure provider in the UK, announced today that it will launch a new service so that subscribers can benefit from the HSL 2.75G Femtocell technology without using the CAPEX operator.

The problem from the lack of coverage usually affects those in rural or suburban areas who want to use their mobiles indoors but lack the proper coverage.

The Femotcell technology solution should help aid this problem by providing greater coverage for indoor callers.

This is especially important given that 30% of all phone calls happen at home on average.

This also will allow operators to increase the amount of revenue they receive per subscriber, since better coverage will lead to more mobile phone calls and increased data and messaging transfers.

Additionally, the HSL 2.75G Femtocell technology will improve coverage in both 2G and 3G lines.

Managing and Technical Director of HSL, Mark Hay, stated that the installation and use of the network will not cost operators very much and will allow operators to manage their service better so that customers receive the best coverage that is possible given their locations.

HSL is currently looking for mobile network operators that want to sign onto the service and will begin by displaying the technology at the GITEX Technology Week in Dubai on October 18-22.

Alongside the new Femtocell technology, HSL also unveiled a new 2.75G picocell base station technology this week that will allow for faster data connections on the EDGE network and better voice quality for mobile calls.

Picocells are able to transfer traffic from networks via IP over LAN, satellite, DSL backhaul networks, and wireless networks at a low cost to operators.

The 2.75G picocell will start to be shipped beginning of December 2017.

Tim Yeo

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