3G and 4G users to triple by 2013

3G and 4G users to triple by 2013

March 23, 2017

Nearly a third of wireless subscriptions will be 3G or 4G by 2013, according to research by In-Stat.

The market analyst said 30% of subscriptions will be with third or fourth generation technology within the next five years.

This is compared to 11% of subscriptions on 3G at the end of 2016.

In particular, the research found that WiMax deployments are continuing despite the worldwide recession.

Daryl Schoolar, In-Stat analyst, said: “Based on contract awards, WiMax deployments are remaining resilient in the face of the economic slowdown.”

Alcatel-Lucent, Avarion, Motorola and Samsung are the vendors benefiting most from WiMax equipment sales.

WiMax is expected to be most popular in developing countries where there are currently no 3G or fixed-line broadband networks.

In areas where these technologies are already installed, HSPA and LTE are expected to be prevalent.

The fourth quarter of 2016 saw 132 deployments of 3G and 4G technologies.

HSPA accounted for the majority of these, with 95 deployments.

Tim Yeo

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