ChangingWorlds wins innovation award

ChangingWorlds wins innovation award

March 31, 2016

Dublin-based ChangingWorlds has won the Innovation Award at the Irish American Technology Leadership Group’s (ITLG) inaugural award ceremony in San Francisco, USA.

ChangingWorlds provides mobile data personalisation and Mobile Internet products to major operators around the world, including Vodafone and O2.

It’s ClixSmart(tm) Intelligent Portal platform uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide a personalised content discovery solution that enhances content relevance for mobile internet users. It can help to generate greater Average Revenue Per User for mobile operators.

The ITLG-Silicon Valley award was presented to ChangingWorlds in recognition of its customer successes, product strategy, management team, outstanding intellectual property portfolio and international growth across all its European, Asian and United States markets.

The award was sponsored by the Irish Times and presented at Stanford University, California. Award winners were selected through an external nomination process and were judged by organisations working to support the Irish technology sector, including the ITLG Board, Enterprise Ireland, Invest Northern Ireland, IDA Ireland and the Irish Times.

Other ITLG award winners included Intel Chairman Craig Barrett, and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Micheál Martin TD, for their contributions to the growth of Ireland’s technology sector.

The Irish Technology Leadership Group aims to support Ireland’s position as a strategic area of investment and opportunity for US technology companies. The ITLG-Silicon Valley Awards are part of the Group’s efforts to encourage Irish technology companies to expand into the US, and to encourage Silicon Valley-based companies to invest in Ireland.

Tim Yeo

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