Virtual Fridge Notes application for iPhone

Virtual Fridge Notes application for iPhone

June 24, 2017

Ip.access announced today that it will use the Femtocells World Summit to show the capabilities of its “Virtual Fridge Notes” application, designed for use with the iPhone, during the live session of the event.

The ‘Fridge’ app uses femtocells to send a reminder message, when the user arrives home, for a task that they need to complete, much like a post-it note on the fridge.

The application can work on any SMS handset, but the iphone app actually allows the user to see a note on a display that resembles a virtual fridge and manage it in the same way they would in the real world.

It can be sent via Facebook as well, moved around, or erased much like a dry erase board on a fridge would work or a set of magnets that hold notes, which adds to the charm of the new application.

Of course, the unique aspect of the application is that it allows your iPhone to automatically sense when you walk into the door of your home.

CEO at ip.access Stephen Mallinson commented that the mobile industry has been working on home presence detection for a long time, and that the new fridge application not only applies the principle but takes it to a new level by making it accessible via the Facebook and the iPhone, two of the most prominent gadgets of the internet age.

The application will also change your Facebook status to let your friends and family know when you have arrived home as well, automatically.

However, the use of the new femtocell application may be limited by rising concern that ISPs will block femtocell usage from the lines, since it eats up a large amount of bandwidth space and thus decreases speeds.

However, several industry leaders have remarked that they do not think ISPs would hinder the technology by blocking it, including ip.access Ltd. which has stated that policy management is not a threat to femtocell use currently.

Andy Tiller, vice-president of marketing at the company stated that while they cannot guarantee it will not be an issue down the line, at the moment they have not heard any customer complaints about the use of femtocell on third party broadband connections.

Tim Yeo

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