New synchronisation solution could prove very effective

New synchronisation solution could prove very effective

September 1, 2017

Harris Stratex Networks Inc, which provides wireless solutions to broadband networks, announced Friday that it has a new synchronisation solution that should allow its Eclipse Packet Node platform to smoothly integrate towards all IP services.

The new solution will let operators migrate to an all IP network from an already existing TDM infrastructure which should help make the move to next generation mobile broadband much more cost efficient for both companies and consumers alike.

The new Distributed Sync solution will be supported on a plug in network and is awaiting a patent before it is officially released for use.

It will also allow operators to use all packet transport options without sacrificing any of the reliability, comfort, and security that they have in TDM synchronization.

Chief technology officer of Harris Stratex, Paul Kennard, said that the new capabilities will help operators that want to start using Ethernet transport to address problems with their backhaul.

He continued to say that this is an easy evolutionary step towards network advancement that will make it easy to move towards next generation mobile.

The original Eclispe Packet Node Product was first seen at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona earlier in the year with the intention to reduce the current bottleneck of backhaul that many mobile broadband operators face due to data traffic.

Harris Stratex Networks has also recently been handed a contract to use its Wi-Max technology in India as part of an agreement with India’s BSNL and ICOMM internet providers.

India does not yet have a reliable structure in place for wireless broadband country wide.

Tim Yeo

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